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Diesel Generator Hybridization in the Ukraine

Backup Ukraine
Backup Ukraine
Backup Ukraine

Because of the power outages in the Ukraine, a self-sufficient energy system with photovoltaics, a diesel generator and an XPB Basic Split with 35 kW output and 60 kWh storage capacity was installed at a farmer this winter.

The hybridization of a diesel generator with an energy storage device offers several advantages:

  • Reduction of fuel consumption – especially good where it is difficult to get fuel supplies or the logistics costs of transporting them are high.
  • Improved efficiency
  • Improved power supply reliability
  • Reduction of emissions
  • Reduction of noise
  • Reduction of maintenance costs

We test the complete system for 24 hours without a mains connection. The results can be seen in the graphs accompanying this article. Compared to a diesel generator that would be in continuous operation to cover the required consumption, a fuel reduction of 73 % could be achieved. Likewise, the generator was only 84% in operation

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